Chair Talk

March 2005

The new SERA directory has been sent to all Chapters within the past month. I would like to inform you that there are a couple of errors in the directory:  My phone # is 810-240-8380, and my e-mail address is:

The State of Michigan is in another year of budget-cutting deficits and I am sure that the administration will be looking at ways to reduce spending. Every year the State has looked at the number of retirees in the Aetna Health Care program (about 8,000) and made a determination as to whether or not they will continue the Aetna program. If you remember the administration had indicated for years that Aetna would continue as long as it was cost effective. It would not surprise me to have the administration notify us that the Aetna program was no longer cost neutral. The Aetna program is a closed system there can be no new enrollees. The number of retirees enrolled in Aetna is declining annually. Those retirees that are on Aetna are enrolled in Medicare as their primary health insurer and Aetna is the secondary insurer. It may be helpful to those retirees that are Aetna enrollees to be made aware as to what health care insurers are available in their areas to choose from (HMOs and/or BC/BS) in the event that Aetna were no longer available. I need to tell you that a decision on the Aetna issue has not been made as of this date.

I have not been informed of any changes in our health care benefits. I usually speak with Mr. Fink (OSE) every couple of weeks so that we may know in advance of any possible changes in benefits.

Alvin and I have interviewed and will be recommending to the Executive Board that we hire Joy Ross of Lansing as the person responsible for updating/maintaining the SERA website. She has agreed to do this work for $10 per hour on a trial basis (3-6 months) to see if we are satisfied with her work. Hopefully, she will be on board for the March updates. She currently maintains two other websites and they look well taken care of.

Editor’s note: Bob Kopasz is Chair of the Michigan SERA Council. He may be reached at P.O. Box 692, Mt. Morris, MI 48458; phone 810/240-8380

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